The Woman I am. #Women’s Day

I was brought up

To this world.. by a woman

The first I knew, the first I heard

Whispering into my ear

There she was, the whole day 

Taking care of me… 

Many saw her a nonentity

I saw the bold and determined her. 


Now I am grown

A whole woman, she wanted

Me to be, but she is no more

To see her emulation in me

To see I believed every word

That she uttered amidst tears

Mother I am not that paragon

But I believe I live by your words.


It’s Women’s Day

It’s you I celebrate today

For ages we will remember us

The women that make life possible

A woman I am today, not because

Of the child I have… but for the love

I bear for every woman

And sweet sorrow, a single mother. 


Feminism has never been

A part of me ever since

But a bean seed of the feminist’s

Has grown in me with time

It has made me tame to man

Opened my eyes, made me see 

Feel the pain of other women 

Engraved in the cages of man. 


A woman knows no vengeance

But true love, care and harmony

For the sake of a home

Built by a man

But for her to maintain it all

Gather every pieces thrown apart

To play her part in determination

A wonderful creation she is, I celebrate women. 


          Photo courtesy of;

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